Fire truck flour attack

A SUNSHINE fire truck was damaged on its way to a fire when vandals threw a bag of flour at the vehicle.
Fire-fighters from Sunshine Station were answering a call about furniture burning on a footpath in St Albans at 9.40pm on Saturday 7 July.
As they were driving along McIntyre Rd an occupant in an oncoming car threw a bag of flour at the truck, smashing the windscreen.
There were no injuries, but the crew was unable to attend the St Albans fire, needing to call in other units for the job.
Police are investigating the incident, which MFB Chief Executive Officer Nick Easy said could have put the crew and people requiring the MFB’s assistance at risk.
“I am extremely concerned by the news that a crew and one of our trucks was attacked in a dangerous act of vandalism,” Mr Easy said.
In May the Government legislated for longer sentences for people who attack police officers, paramedics, fire-fighters, protective service officers, SES worker, lifesavers and emergency department staff.
The new penalties include an additional 12 months to anyone who causes serious injury to an emergency worker while assaults causing less serious injuries attract a minimum of six months imprisonment, with each additional penalty applied as non-parole periods.
He urged anyone with information about the incident to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit

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