Four storeys too many: residents

SYDENHAM residents are starting a petition against a $5.5 million development on the corner of Trickey Avenue and Overton Lea Boulevard.
Last week Star revealed Brimbank City Council had received an application for the four-storey property, which will contain 140 apartments with commercial and retail leases (Four storey plan, 10 July, Star).
The plans propose 36 one-bedroom apartments and 104 two-bedroom apartments with 177 car parking spaces.
But resident Sandra Maccora believes the number of cars will be much higher and will increase parking problems in the area.
The neighbourhood already contains apartments and townhouses, a nursing home, swim centre and schools.
Ms Maccora said there was not enough parking and that the narrow streets were often lined with cars, making it difficult for other vehicles to get through.
“Why would anyone consider accepting this proposal?” Ms Maccora said.
Resident Carolyn Payne also be objected to the development.
“I’m just worried about the traffic, the extra people and if there’s a shop there does that mean
there’ll be more young people hanging around, will it affect the shops that are already there?” Ms Payne said.
She is also concerned the height of the proposed building will become a privacy issue.
“I wouldn’t mind units there but not four-storeys high and not that many people.”
Arcare Overton Lea Aged Care shares a fence line with the site and manager Mal Humphries believes the proposal would create “significant noise” along with overshadowing issues.
But Flippers swim school manager Andrew Manolis said introducing more young families in the area could be good for business.
“The only problem I do see is the parking issue,” Mr Manolis said.

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