Daughter lost

Shashi and Vasu Madamshetty outside the Coroner’s Court. 84333 Picture: LAURA WAKELYShashi and Vasu Madamshetty outside the Coroner’s Court. 84333 Picture: LAURA WAKELY

VICTORIAN Coroner Kim Parkinson has instructed Sunshine Hospital to improve their foetal monitoring procedures after the death of a baby in 2007.
A coronial inquiry heard Dishita Madamshetty could still be alive if the hospital had increased foetal monitoring of the infant when her mother reported pain during pregnancy.
Shashi Madamshetty presented at Sunshine Hospital at full-term with cold and flu like symptoms and expressed concern for the health of her baby, but was sent home.
Three days later she went back to the hospital with bleeding and headaches, but was again sent home, with analgesia for pain.
Dishita was delivered via caesarean on 30 August “in poor condition” and was transferred to the Royal Children’s Hospital where she was put on life support.
She died on 30 September.
“I am satisfied that it is likely had intervention occurred on 27 August 2007 to increase foetal monitoring that the deterioration would have been identified, steps taken to intervene to deliver the baby and death would have likely been prevented,” Ms Parkinson said.
She recommended the hospital adopt and publish formal procedures for foetal monitoring, supervision and oversight for all clinicians.
Speaking outside the Coroner’s Court, Ms Madamshetty said she and her husband Vasu had been trying to conceive for eight years when she fell pregnant with Dishita via IVF.
“I still feel the loss of our baby Dishita Madamshetty,” she said.
“When we look at other babies, we still feel, when the babies are just playing, we feel that if our baby was here she could have done.
“We want to make sure this does not happen to any other mothers.
“I’m angry… but unfortunately my baby will not come back.”
Western Health CEO Kathryn Cook said the hospital would review the Coroner’s report and was committed to implementing its recommendations.
The Madamshetty’s will also seek damages from Sunshine Hospital.

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