Loving Angels

Aleks and Lucas are practicing their moves for the Autism Angels annual dinner dance. 85360 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTAleks and Lucas are practicing their moves for the Autism Angels annual dinner dance. 85360 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

DINA Tamburro’s not sure how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
But the Autism Angels president hopes hundreds will turn out for a boogie in aid of the group’s annual dinner dance.
Autism Angels are holding the dance in September to raise awareness of autism and fundraise for the group, which provides support to autistic children and their families in the West.
Dina said the money raised will help the group lobby for better services, provide social events for kids with autism, respite activities for parents and guest speakers.
“There isn’t anything out here in the western suburbs like our group,” Dina said.
“We don’t have a support network for families… we are really it.”
She said autism affected the everyday social activities that most people take for granted and was a worthy cause to support.
The dinner dance, now in its fourth year, will include a three course meal, entertainment for the kids, a raffle and live band City Cruize.
The event is the annual fundraiser for the group, but Dina’s not fussy about how much is raised.
“We don’t really put a figure ever to it,” she said.
“To us, if the word gets out there, if we can reach other families who don’t know we exist, then we’re winners.”
The Autism Angels Dinner Dance will be held from 6.30pm at Lakeside Convention Centre, Taylors Lakes on Saturday 1 September.
For more information visit www.autismangels.com or contact 0404 522 226.

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