By Vanessa Chircop
MORE than 150 offences were recorded in Hobsons Bay as part of Victoria Police’s crackdown on motorists over the holiday period.
Operation AEGIS was launched on 17 December and in just 18 days 157 offences were recorded, including nine drink-driving offences, 16 for talking on a mobile phone, 11 motorcycle-related offences and 17 drivers caught speeding between 10-25km/h over the speed limit.
Despite this the Christmas and New Year period was relatively incident free in Hobsons Bay.
Detective Sergeant Steve Daniliuk told Star that New Year’s in Hobsons Bay was fairly a subdued event.
“We didn’t seem to experience too many issues – and didn’t experience anything of any significance in the Hobsons Bay service area,” Det Sgt Daniliuk said.
“We’ve been working very hard to saturate the area and we have been fairly vigilant.”
On New Year’s Day however a crash on the West Gate Freeway led to a drug find for Williamstown police.
Police were called to a car accident on the West Gate Freeway about 3.45pm where they found a driver apparently under the influence of drugs.
Police then searched the man’s vehicle and allegedly found about 100 ecstasy tablets, a quantity of GHB and cash.
The offenders mobile phone also indicated he was involved in drug trafficking.
Police obtained a warrant and searched the man’s address in Werribee where they allegedly found more GHB and some cannabis.
The 27-year-old man was charged with 12 offences including trafficking ecstasy, possession of ecstasy, possession GHB, using drugs, reckless conduct endangering life, and driving offences.
The man was remanded in custody and appeared at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Monday 3 January.
During the Christmas period between 22 and 27 December Hobsons Bay Highway Patrol Unit also ran their own operation where they processed 1037 Vehicles, breath tested 1018 drivers and detected 14 offences.
Hobsons Bay Inspector Bill Mathers told Star he was satisfied with the outcome of the operation and New Year’s celebrations in Hobsons Bay and attributed the success to high police presence.
“Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the good times of Christmas and New Year which is a positive outcome.”