Broadway star in the making

Alicia is singing up a storm in Hobsons Bay. 68807   Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI Alicia is singing up a storm in Hobsons Bay. 68807 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

By Vanessa Chircop
ALICIA Leckie dreams of being a Broadway star, whether playing Maria in West Side Story or Glenda in Wicked – she doesn’t mind, as long she’s on that stage belting out a tune.
“Anyone who does it, knows you do it for the rush you get when you’re on stage,” she said.
“It’s just an amazing feeling.”
The 15-year-old has been participating in drama classes since Grade one, and recently started musical theatre lessons on Saturday mornings. And if that’s not enough she also takes singing lessons.
Despite not knowing exactly what she wants to do when she grows up, the Altona girl knows what she loves to do now and that’s sing and act.
Alicia just recently appeared in the chorus Williamstown Musical Theatre Company’s Beauty and the Beast – which closed over the weekend.
“I’ve done quite a few straight theatre plays, but this was only the second musical I’ve been in,” she said.
The teen will appear in her third musical, when her musical theatre class puts on a production of Bye Bye Birdie in October.
“I think I like musical theatre the best, because you get to do both singing and acting,” she said.
The aspiring star said her family were huge supporters of her theatre dream, always front and centre and there to watch every performance no matter how small the role.

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