Mates rally to Ryan’s cause

Ryan with his girlfriend Natalie and his mum Marie. 71202   Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIRyan with his girlfriend Natalie and his mum Marie. 71202 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

By Vanessa Chircop
RYAN Morgan’s story has touched the lives of so many – even those he has never met.
In 2008 after completing his Bachelor of Arts: Multimedia, Ryan was diagnosed with cancer after his girlfriend Natalie found a lump on his neck.
It was operated on but unfortunately, 18 months later Ryan felt pain in his abdomen and a scan revealed a mass in his pancreas which was diagnosed as stage four melanoma.
Further scans found the cancer in his bowel, femur, and chest wall – but not a single spot or dot of melanoma was found on his skin.
The Williamstown lifeguard’s life was turned upside down.
Ryan has just returned from China after five months away receiving treatment desperately trying to fight his disease and not ready to give up.
With treatment not coming cheap, back home Ryan’s friends and girlfriend organised a fundraiser to raise money for Ryan’s continuing treatment.
The fundraiser was held in August and raised more than $20,000.
Ryan’s friend Simone Backendorf was one of the main organisers for the fundraiser and said she got involved because she wanted to help Ryan in any way that she could.
“I knew Ryan’s friends and the community would help,” she said.
“Businesses, individuals, most had never met Ryan before and bent over backwards to help and gave so much more than we hoped for.”
Now back home in Altona and trying to decide his next move Ryan said he has been touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of strangers.
“I’ve have friends from my primary school in Queensland donating on the website,” he said.
For Ryan as much as it is good to be home and back in his girlfriend’s arms it may not be for long with the 24-year-old having to consider going back to China for further treatment if nowhere in Australia can be found.
Though most days can seem exhausting, Ryan keeps an amazingly positive attitude.
“In my mind, its healthy mind, healthy body,” he said.
“It’s about not dwelling on the concept that you’re sick – it’s about just being who you are.”
Despite not knowing what the future holds Ryan’s hopes for the future have not changed – to marry and spend his life with the girl of his dreams.
If you would like to make a donation to Ryan’s cause then visit and type ‘The Ryan Morgan Ranga Foundation’ in the search bar.

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