Ali finds her voice

Ali McGregor plans to take audiences back to the 1940s with her performance this Friday. 73620  Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIAli McGregor plans to take audiences back to the 1940s with her performance this Friday. 73620 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

By Vanessa Chircop
FOR soprano Ali McGregor, bringing her show ‘Jazz Cigarette’ to The Substation will be like playing in her own backyard.
As part the Big West Festival, the Yarraville resident will be transforming The Substation into a smoky 1940s jazz club, singing songs that inspired her to be a performer.
“It was an era to singers and interpreters – it was all about the interpretation of the song,” she said.
“It was very acceptable for singers to put their own mark on a song – some of the greatest songs ever written.
“The singer was king and interpreting music was an art form.”
The cabaret, which will feature classics from Ella Fitzgerald to Hoagy Carmichael will also feature modern classics with a jazzy edge.
The opera singer said she tries to make each song work for herself.
“I re-found my voice again after many years of singing opera, which is dictated to you,” she said.
“With cabaret I have that freedom to do my own interpretation.”
As a child Ali loved to sing in school productions and loved to be on stage.
“Every time I sing I’m acting, I’m taking on a character and drawing on emotions I’m not necessarily feeling at that time.”
Ali said she was excited to be playing at The Substation this Friday.
For audiences, Friday will be one of the last opportunities to see the show with Ali in the process of writing a new one to debut at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
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