Briffa defends website

Snap shot taken from live website. 74433Snap shot taken from live website. 74433

By Vanessa Chircop
HOBSONS Bay Deputy Mayor Tony Briffa has taken the extraordinary step of announcing himself the new Mayor of the municipality – even before the council has had an opportunity to vote.
Cr Briffa has created a website announcing himself as Hobsons Bay’s Mayor for2011/12. The full council is due to vote on the issue on Friday night.
The website states: “I am the Mayor of the City of Hobsons Bay, having previously served two terms as the Deputy Mayor since being elected to the council in 2008.”
The website, (pictured), also announces Cr John Hogg as the next Deputy Mayor.
“I am very pleased to have the support of Cr John Hogg as Hobsons Bay’s Deputy Mayor,” it reads.
“He and I are close friends and we stood for council on the same ticket in 2008- supported by the Hobsons Bay Residents Association as genuine Independent candidates.”
The website may come as a shock to some – Star understands Cr Briffa will not be the only nomination at tomorrow night’s election with Cr Luba Grigorovitch also expecting to be nominated for the role.
Cr Hogg said he would need to talk to Cr Briffa before commenting.
“We work well together – I think that sort of issue hasn’t been finalised at this stage.”
“I’ll be speaking to Tony and we’ll have some further discussion on that.”
Despite the website going live, Cr Briffa told Star it is only a demo at this stage.
“Please understand I am not pre-empting the decision of the council in relation to the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor,” he said.
“That is a decision for the councillors, but I am keen to take on the role, have announced my candidacy some time ago, and have spent my own personal funds to invest in a new website that will be launched following the election should I be successful.”

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