ENSURING programs and services are culturally appropriate for Hobsons Bay’s diverse community is the focus of the Multicultural Policy 2012-2015.
Hobsons Bay Mayor Tony Briffa said the policy was based on the premise that all members of the community have a right to appropriate services, regardless of their cultural, religious or linguistic background.
“Over the next three years, this policy will allow the council to continue its leadership role in promoting the benefits of multiculturalism and in fostering a harmonious community,” Cr Briffa said.
“The policy has four key directions, recognising and respecting diversity, integrated planning and culturally appropriate service delivery, building a sense of belonging and communication and information.
“It will also form a basis for the council to provide fair and equitable access to services and information for all residents regardless of their cultural, linguistic or religious background.”
The Multicultural Policy 2012-2015 was developed following demographic analysis, policy review and consultation with the community, staff and relevant stakeholders.
The policy was put on public exhibition for six weeks in September and three submissions were received. To view the policy, visit www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au.