The colours of Kailas

Kailas Prasannan contemplates his next project. 77598 Kailas Prasannan contemplates his next project. 77598

KAILAS Prasannan may not have won this year’s Tropfest competition but he still feels like a winner.
The Altona Meadows resident’s short film ‘RGB’ was a finalist in the national competition.
And though he didn’t take out the first prize his film did gain interest from some of the film festival’s big name guests including Geoffrey Rush.
“He said (Geoffrey Rush) he thought RGB’s style was poetic and he appreciated the edit,” he said.
“That’s our award right there – we don’t need anymore.”
The film, which is about a colourblind man who agrees to test experimental drugs to help him see colour for the first time, was the first film Kailas entered in the competition.
Despite being the writer, director, editor and producer of the film, Kailas said just getting short-listed was a surprise.
“Our budget was $600,” he said.
“We were competing with professional production studios … some people spent thousands on their film.”
He may be a full time Engineer but at heart Kailas is a film maker.
He came up with the idea for RGB three years ago through his love of chocolate.
“I love M&M’s and I like eating them colour by colour and I thought what if I could only see one colour at a time?
“What if you could choose the colour you could see and it was under your control.”
Kailas hopes to continue to pursue his film making hobby and to one day make it a career but he admitted he won’t be giving up his day job anytime soon.
“As a beginner, Tropfest is one the best entries I could have into the industry.”
The film starred Rob LaTerra and was filmed by photographer Jason Palmer.
All 16 finalist’s films have been uploaded on the Tropfest YouTube channel.

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