Youth funding cuts

Cr Luba Grigorovitch, Elias Assaf and Alex Birrell. 78365  Picture: JOE MASTROIANNICr Luba Grigorovitch, Elias Assaf and Alex Birrell. 78365 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

YOUNG people from the Hobsons Bay Youth Voice Committee (YVC) have been left reeling by a State Government decision to withdraw funding for their program.
The YVC has been running in Hobsons Bay since 2006 and has been jointly funded by the State Government through the Office of Youth since 2009.
One member, Alex Birrell, said she was surprised by the decision that will see more pressure put on the council to keep the program afloat.
“Being part of the YVC has provided me with opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise had,” she said.
“Given all of the fabulous stuff the group does… I think there was a lack of information sourcing from the State Government for them to decide to cut our funding.”
Ms Birrell believes the government failed to do its homework when making the decision.
“Our members come from all different backgrounds, and YVC is something that has the ability to engage a huge number of people across Hobsons Bay,” she said.
YVC Chair councillor Luba Grigorovitch described the decision as a loss to not only the YVC but residents of Hobsons Bay.
“It’s a pity the Liberal State Government didn’t actually take note of the fabulous things achieved in Hobsons Bay over the past few years,” she said.

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