Pooches play their part

Christie Reeves from Hairy Hounds with Sam. 78312  Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI Christie Reeves from Hairy Hounds with Sam. 78312 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

ANIMALS and pet owners alike will be lapping up some pet and family fun this weekend as Hairy Hounds Playground celebrates its fifth birthday.
Pet owners that take advantage of the day will not only be having fun but will be bringing benefits to cats and dogs internationally with all proceeds going to the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA).
Hairy Hounds was created to help owners get their dogs out of their back yards, fit, trained and pampered.
Positive reinforcement dog trainer and owner of Hairy Hounds Christie Reeves said the day has been organised to thank their wonderful clients for their ongoing support.
“(And) to promote WSPA and to ensure that owners who need help with their dogs know that we’re here with professional, safe and sound advice,” she said.
The event will include face-painting, a caricaturist, raffles, give-aways, stalls, local bands, dog washing, a sausage sizzle, free samples and reduced rate micro-chipping.
The celebration will take place this Saturday 17 March at 12 Bentley St, Williamstown North.
For information visit www.hairyhounds.com.au or call 93973044.

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