Quad bike gets crushed

The teenager’s quad bike gets crushed.   The teenager’s quad bike gets crushed.

AN Altona Meadows mum and dad who were sick of their teenage son illegally driving a quad bike have taken the unusual step of allowing police to destroy it.
Sergeant Stephen Bosnar said the 15-year-old was continually seen riding the bike throughout Altona Meadows in the months before it was destroyed.
“He was driving it throughout traffic, throughout Queens St, Central Ave, with no helmet,” he said.
The bike, which was unregistered and not roadworthy, was a large cause for concern in the community with police receiving several reports from concerned residents who had witnessed the teen on the bike.
“It’s an adapted quad bike with two little wheels at the front and two big wheels at the back,” he said.
“The tyres were all bald and hardly even pumped – it was obviously a danger to him and everyone else.”
Sgt Bosnar said upon speaking with the boy’s parents about their son’s actions they immediately suggested officers take the bike and have it destroyed.
“It’s unusual for parents to allow us to destroy it,” he said.
“But the next knock on their door would have been that he’s been hit by a car or he’s come to grief.”
Charges are now pending and the bike has been crushed and destroyed.

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