Soccer stoush

Noordenne Estate resident John Sagona at Fell Reserve. 70238  Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT Noordenne Estate resident John Sagona at Fell Reserve. 70238 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

RESIDENTS of the Noordenne Estate have welcomed a council decision to ban Altona City Soccer Club from training at Fell Reserve.
As reported by Star last September, the residents were up in arms over the club training at the site which backs onto many residential homes.
Residents claimed the noise coming from the reserve was unbearable, with cheering, yelling and exchanges of foul language.
Last week the council unanimously moved to prohibit the use of Fell Reserve for soccer training and games and proceed with the upgrade of Kim Reserve for Altona City Soccer Club.
The decision was met with claps from the council gallery, with several members of the Noordenne Estate Action Group at the meeting.
Councillor John Hogg said given the complaints from residents and the size of Kim Reserve the decision was appropriate.
“We certainly are listening to residents,” he said.
“We’re very pleased.”
Cr Angela Altair applauded the residents’ “people power”.
One resident George Said said he was happy with the councillors’ support.
“It took us a while… everybody was very good, eventually,” he said.
The decision however, has not been well received by the soccer club with Facilities Manager Robert Palmaricciotti telling Star they were shocked by the decision.
“We weren’t aware any decision was up to be made – it wasn’t on the (council) agenda … it snuck in at the end,” he said.
Mr Palmaricciotti said upgrading Kim Reserve was not going to solve their problems.
“We need space, capacity so that’s not going to give us any extra space – it will improve lighting etcetera – but it doesn’t give us extra space.
“We’re disappointed and shocked.
“Sometimes we feel like a builder proposing to build townhouses there.
“We’re just a voluntary organisation trying to get kids to play sport.”

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