Huge crime rise

OVERALL crime in Hobsons Bay has increased by 13.1 per cent or 707 offences, the latest crime statistics have revealed.
According to the figures, 6085 crimes were recorded in Hobsons Bay between April 2011 and March 2012 – up from 5378 crimes between April 2010 and March 2011.
Residential burglary spiked by 18.5 per cent, crimes against property jumped 16.4 per cent, and other burglaries also rose by 8.4 per cent.
Robbery was the only offence category on the decline, dropping by 9.3 per cent.
Hobsons Bay Inspector Bill Mathers said the statistics were disappointing but police were working hard to make the community safer.
“The main reason we have had the crime increases is that over the past three years we have achieved a consistent drop in offence numbers and have been able to keep our crime rate down to a very low level,” Insp Mather said.
“Unfortunately, because of our low crime rate, we are now seeing a significant increase in offences and the crime rate.
“We are working hard to once again reduce the crime rates, especially residential burglary, theft of and from motor cars and property damage.”
Insp Mathers said Hobsons Bay was selected as one of five Victoria Police sites to commence a trial using social media to communicate.
“Recently we commenced Eyewatch Hobsons Bay to allow us to communicate through facebook directly with our local community,” he said.
“This trial is providing a valuable asset for us to distribute information to our local area and to receive feedback directly from our community.
“We are confident with the help of the community, council and our local community partnerships we will be able to soon see the crime rates start to fall.
“While our crime rates are still comparatively low, we are determined to make our neighbourhood safer.”

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