Rescind disco decision

Altona Youth Club president Frank Fisher. 81865  Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI Altona Youth Club president Frank Fisher. 81865 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

PRESIDENT of the Altona Youth Club, Frank Fisher has called on Hobsons Bay City councillors to rescind a motion to ban underage disco events at the Altona Youth Hall.
As reported by Star previously, the decision was passed without giving notice to the organisers of the underage event.
Despite some objections being raised about lack of due process and notice by Cr Peter Hemphill and Cr Angela Altair, the motion was passed four votes to two.
Mr Fisher said he was now appealing to the councillors to bring forward a rescind motion to reverse the decision, which he says will adversely affect youth in the community.
“A number of unfounded statements have been made that have not been and I believe cannot be proven,” he said.
The motion was brought forward by Cr Michael Raffoul, who claimed he received a call from a concerned resident over the previous weekend regarding the conduct of young people exiting the disco.
Despite this police were not called to the hall that evening with a spokesperson for Victoria Police telling Star: “Police patrolled past the front several times and security were present with no issues”.
Mr Fisher said he was aware some issues had been raised by Cr Tony Briffa last year but they were addressed.
“There were even follow up meetings organised that were cancelled as Cr Briffa could not attend,” he said.
“It appeared as if consultation and conciliation were not part of the agenda.
“There have been less than a handful of issues brought to the youth club committee over the past 20 years and any problems have always been addressed successfully between the youth club, the council and police, until now when Cr Briffa has become involved.”
Unless the decision is rescinded at tonight’s council meeting, the discos are expected to remain prohibited until a feasibility study is brought to the council and considered. 
The study is expected later in the year.

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