Fresh faces in demand

Leading Senior Constable Richard Dove is encouraging more African residents to join the police force. 81649  Picture: JOE MASTROIANNILeading Senior Constable Richard Dove is encouraging more African residents to join the police force. 81649 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

WYNDHAM’S growing African community is being encouraged to think about joining the police force.
Police Inspector for the Wyndham area, Cindy Millen, is spearheading a recruitment drive to get more African people into the uniform.
Inspector Millen told Star having more African police members would only help Wyndham and the rest of the West.
“This is an ongoing thing and certainly it is a real passion of mine,” Insp Millen said.
“In terms of the local community it really enhances the relationship we have with African residents.”
Inspector Millen said that a recruitment session was held earlier this month and around 30 African residents attended.
Head of the North West metro multicultural unit, Leading Senior Constable Richard Dove, said by having more African officers in the West, the police could work closer with the community.
Victoria Police currently have, and have had for a long time, a drive to attract and retain as many people from various cultures as possible, so that the face of Victoria Police represents the community out there,” Leading Sen Const Dove said.
“It (the African community) is a community that needs to feel that they’re represented. They need to feel that feeling of belonging.”
Leading Sen Const Dove said the recruitment drive was more about making residents feel like they can relate to the police force.
“It’s not so much having African officers dealing with African community members, it’s about having representation,” he said.
“It’s not about sending African officers in because they understand that community, I think that would be a mistake.”

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