Victim seeks justice

MAIREAD Ashcroft’s 14-year fight for justice is one step closer to being achieved.
As reported by Star in February, Mairead alleges she was sexually abused as a child by a Catholic Brother and United States citizen Bernard Hartman.
Despite suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and psychogenic seizures, Mairead has spent the last 14 years working to have Br Bernard, now living in the United States, brought to justice. Last week she received news that she was one step closer to achieving it.
“It’s very exciting,” she said. “But it still might take a long time – I live in hope, we’ve gotten this far.”
Br Bernard, who worked in Catholic schools in Australia with his Marianist Order, was based at St Paul’s College in Altona North during the 1970s.
Through his relationship with Mairead’s family, Br Bernard became a trusted babysitter and tutor to the then eight-year-old girl.
The alleged abuse went on for three years until Mairead found the strength to tell him to stop.
Mairead has been working with police to build a case and have Br Bernard extradited to face charges in Australia.
Sergeant Robert Stanwick told Star, Mairead’s case became a lot stronger when two other victims and a witness also came forward.
Sgt Stanwick said police in Australia were now waiting on US local police or the FBI to arrest and interview, the now 73-year-old, in relation to the allegations against him.
“We then get that interview disc, we then give it to our office to the Director of Public Prosecutions over here and he says there’s enough evidence to go ahead and extradite or no there isn’t, we can’t extradite. We won’t know until he’s interviewed.”
In 1999, Mairead received a signed letter from Br Bernard acknowledging the pain he caused her.
In the letter Br Bernard wrote: “I acknowledge the pain you must have experienced … I know I am the cause of this hurt … I am sorry”.
Despite this admission, Br Bernard continues to work as a Brother in the Catholic Church.
Sgt Stanwick said the written confession would be put to Br Bernard in police interviews.
“He has made various admissions and obviously the church has also made admissions on his behalf,” he said.
“We’re talking straight out rape and sexual penetration, so even though it was years ago, it’s still covered by our statutes.”

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