Sculpting star

Sculptor Craig Haire creates amazing art at his studio and business in Williamstown North. 83867 Picture: SUPPLIEDSculptor Craig Haire creates amazing art at his studio and business in Williamstown North. 83867 Picture: SUPPLIED

SCULPTING is a journey of self-discovery for Craig Haire.
For 15 years, the artist has operated the Objectives Studio in Williamstown North, creating everything from fine art to 3D advertising for businesses.
He also makes props for film, television shows and theatrical productions including
Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’, Victorian Opera concerts and Australian Ballet shows.
In addition Mr Haire sculpted the panel, showing sportspeople in action, which features at the entrance of the Scores bar at Star Casino in Sydney.
Mr Haire said he became interested in sculpting while at school and then went on to study the art form at RMIT University.
“It was something I’d done since I was young, but there’s never any time as a sculptor when you make much money,” he said.
“Sculpture is obviously a wonderful thing to be able to do, but generally speaking it’s expensive to make things and it can also be difficult to sell them.
“I don’t think a lot of people understand the economics of it. A bronze piece I made the other day, at around 30cm high, it cost me $500 just to have it cast in bronze.
“On the other hand, you get a lot of personal gratification from seeing your art in a public place, so I’m not complaining.
“I think to make a valuable and interesting piece of art – this is a generalisation – it can tell a story which gives vent to your own emotions and thoughts, and is also a wonderful process of self-discovery.
“It can be a great way of learning about yourself.”
Objectives Studio is located at 3/64 Macaulay St in Williamstown North. See for more information.

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