Teen party thugs

TWO men who confronted gatecrashers at an Altona Meadows party were injured by beer bottles thrown at them during in a fight.
Hobsons Bay Acting Police Inspector Kerin Moloney said the dispute occurred at a teenager’s birthday party which was held on Saturday 15 September.
At around 10.20pm police were called to the Merton St residence by a number of concerned party-goers.
Acting Insp Moloney told Star approximately 75 people including gatecrashers were present.
“There were a large number of guests invited to a teenager’s birthday party,” he said.
“A number of uninvited people – gatecrashers, call them what you want – entered the premises.
“They weren’t welcome.
“They were asked to leave and the fight ensued.”
Two men aged 40 and 41 were injured after the gatecrashers retaliated by throwing beer bottles at them.
“The two victims sustained lacerations, which weren’t serious,” Acting Insp Moloney said.
Detective Senior Constable Mick Welsh from Hobsons Bay CIU said police have interviewed two teenagers in relation to the fight.
However the 17-year-old from Hoppers Crossing and 19-year-old Altona Meadows resident have been released pending further inquiries.
Det Sen Const Welsh said investigations into the party and fight were continuing.
Acting Insp Moloney said anyone planning a party should notify their local police station and also register the event with the Victoria Police Partysafe website.
Acting Insp Moloney said he had been to several events with only 20 to 30 invited guests but hundreds of gatecrashers attempting to gain entry.
The Acting Inspector also advised parents to be aware when their children invited guests to parties via Facebook, Twitter and other internet social networking sites.
Anyone with information about the Altona Meadows party or who witnessed the fight can contact Constable Alex Lewis at Hobsons Bay CIU on 9392 3284.

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