Garden gurus

Valda and David Graham are members of the Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club and the Footscray Garden Club. 88801 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIValda and David Graham are members of the Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club and the Footscray Garden Club. 88801 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

GREAT-grandmother Valda Graham does not think she is talented at gardening – although her Altona property blossoms with beautiful blooms, tall trees and a vegetable patch.
The 80-year-old and her husband David are members of the Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club.
The group recently held its annual spring show which attracted more than 160 entries.
The event was opened by former premier Joan Kirner and judged by Noelene Park from the Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria (RHSV).
Mrs Graham took home three first prizes and six second places in the show including the RHSV trophy for a flowering plant category.
“I was very shocked by that,” Mrs Graham said.
“I don’t think I’m a very good gardener.”
Mrs and Mr Graham have belonged to the Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club for more than 15 years.
They have been married for 58 years and have three children, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
They are also Footscray Garden Club members and have lived in the same Altona house for more than four decades.
Mrs Graham said her husband loved roses in a neat garden but she tends to “stick” plants where she likes – including near his beloved roses.
“All our disputes happen in the garden,” Mrs Graham said.
“David loves roses. I say the wind blew the sweet-pea seeds in with them but he blames me.
“I reckon a walk round the garden in the morning is just as good as a walk down the street.”
Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at the Youth Hall on the corner of Civic Parade and Sugar Gum Drive, Altona at 1pm.

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