Water security plan

Hobsons Bay Mayor Angela Altair and Gellibrand MP Nicola Roxon at Paisley Park last week. 90586 Picture: CONTRIBUTED
Hobsons Bay Mayor Angela Altair and Gellibrand MP Nicola Roxon at Paisley Park last week. 90586 Picture: CONTRIBUTED


AN AMOUNT of water equal to more than 70 Olympic-sized swimming pools will be saved in Hobsons Bay each year thanks to a new stormwater harvesting project.

Last week Hobsons Bay Mayor Angela Altair was joined by Gellibrand MP and Attorney-General Nicola Roxon to turn the first sod at construction of the Water Security Project (WSP).

The WSP will collecting stormwater from drainage systems, filter it through wetlands and store the liquid in a pond or underground tank.

The water will then be pumped to Hobsons Bay’s sports grounds.


On Wednesday Ms Roxon and Cr Altair toured Paisley Park in Altona North where the first stormwater harvesting point will soon be built.

Cr Altair said stormwater harvesting points would also be constructed at Laverton Park and Williamstown Cricket Ground.

“The Water Security Project is a great initiative that will lower the council’s reliance on drinking water to

irrigate our local sportsgrounds,” said Cr Altair.


“The scheme will result in up to 184 megalitres, or almost 74 Olympic-sized swimming pools of water, being saved each year.


“Not only are there environmental benefits but the project will also deliver significant cost savings for the council.”


The Federal Government has provided $3.1 million to the project and City West Water $2.77 million.


“Sport and physical activity delivers important benefits for the health and well-being of children. By

investing in the efficient use of our most precious resource, we can maintain our local community

facilities even in times of extreme drought,” Ms Roxon said.

The WSP is due for completion by June 2013.

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