Councillors clash


HOBSONS Bay Councillor Peter Hemphill has accused his fellow Cr Tony Briffa of letting ratepayers down by allegedly refusing to attend fortnightly municipal briefings.
During last week’s councillor question time, Cr Hemphill spoke out about a previous council meeting on 27 November.
The event caused a furore among residents watching in the gallery when several of Cr Briffa’s notices of motion failed to gain support from other councillors.
“There’s been a lot of, for want of a better word, brouhaha about the motions which went up at the last council meeting that were not seconded,” Cr Hemphill said.
“The new council has been taking a different tack than has been operating in the past three years, in that issues should be raised through the briefing sessions that are held on the Tuesdays alternating between the ordinary council meetings.”
Cr Hemphill asked Mayor Angela Altair if Cr Briffa has indicated a preference not to attend the briefings – but Cr Altair declined to answer.
After the meeting Cr Hemphill told Star he was “challenging” Cr Briffa to attend the fortnightly briefings.
“I’m challenging Cr Briffa to start coming to briefing sessions because it’s poor form,” Cr Hemphill said.
“Cr Briffa is not only letting down the rate payers but also the residents of Cherry Lake ward by not participating in the process.
“Cr Briffa has told the mayor he’s not coming to briefings or special planning meetings.”
Cr Briffa last week responded to Cr Hemphill’s statements.
“I have had a very busy year as Mayor and deserve a break which is why I am currently overseas on a personal holiday,” Cr Briffa said.
“Cr Hemphill can try to re-write history if he likes but I will continue to focus on serving the community rather than playing politically motivated nasty games.”

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