Ready to give advice, views?

HOBSONS Bay City Council is now calling for nominations to join the Women’s Advisory Committee.
The committee provides advice to the council on how to achieve greater participation of women in leadership roles and celebrate women in the community.
The committee, which began in 2011, advises the council on issues impacting women’s participation in the community, works to ensure council policies meet women’s needs and aspirations and promotes a positive image of women as leaders.
Members of the Women’s Advisory Committee will be appointed by the council for a term of two years.
The committee will meet quarterly from 7pm to 8.30pm with a light supper provided.
To be eligible, nominees must be able to demonstrate a personal or professional link with women’s services or networks within Hobsons Bay; an understanding of the needs and issues affecting women in the west; a commitment to making a positive difference for women in Hobsons Bay; and work, live or study in Hobsons Bay.
For a nomination form or copy of the committee’s terms of reference, visit or call 9932 1000.
Nominations close on Friday 22 March 2013 at 5pm.

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