'My knight in camouflage armour'

Altona resident Betty Williams and her rescuer Corporal Cam Scott. 94767 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

ONE Altona resident has experienced an act of chivalry that literally swept her off her feet.
Disabled resident Betty Williams travels on a motorised scooter, but when she ran into trouble with the wheeled device a gallant man came to her rescue.
“He was my knight in camouflage armour,” Mrs Williams said.
Corporal Cam Scott from the Royal Australian Air Force band was driving back to work when he approached a busy roundabout and saw Mrs Williams.
Her motorised scooter broke down in the middle of the busy road.
Two gentlemen, including Corporal Scott, came to her assistance and dragged the scooter off the road to the safety of the curb.
Mr Scott had parked his car in the middle of the road to block the traffic while the rescue operation took place and later moved it to a nearby street.
But his rescue efforts did not stop there.
He tried to get assistance from police and then the RACV who said it was a non-urgent matter and they would attend in a few hours.
“This lovely fellow took his hat off and put it on my head, ran over to the petrol station and bought a bottle of water and brought it here,” Mrs Williams said.
Mr Scott noticed the scooters’ selection lever for self-drive or assist had dislodged and was in between gears, he put it back and the scooter worked.
Mrs Williams said she was chuffed by the generosity of the stranger.
“I’m nearly 81 I’m not a young chick by any means. I couldn’t have met a nicer man anywhere.”
“I was thrilled to pieces. To think that he even went to the trouble. He made sure I was here and safe and away he went.”
Mr Scott said anyone would have done the same in his position.
“I’d like to think any man would’ve done the same… helping someone benefits in so many ways.”
The next day Mr Scott paid another visit to Mrs Williams to deliver a photo of the two of them he had taken on the day and printed as a permanent souvenir of the rescue.

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