Business support push

Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee, Roz Hansen. 95228

ONE of the people with a direct line of influence to the Victorian Planning Minister’s office has pushed for more business support in Wyndham and the western suburbs.
Professor Roz Hansen, the Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee, a group set up by Planning Minister Matthew Guy last year, told Star there was not enough office space for businesses in Wyndham.
“We need to get more office space in Wyndham because businesses are saying that they might want to go out to the West but there is just nowhere to set up their offices,” Prof Hansen said.
The Ministerial Advisory Committee released a discussion paper late last year called ’Melbourne. Let’s Talk About the Future.’
As part of the government’s Metropolitan Planning Strategy (MPS) it explored the challenges facing Melbourne including how and where residents want to work and live in the future.
The MPS will guide the State Government’s planning decisions over the next 40 years in regards to land use, transport, housing, employment, investment and infrastructure.
Professor Hansen said it was important for Wyndham residents to read the paper and make submissions.
“We are very keen to look at ways we can improve the image of the West and one of the main complaints we have heard from residents is that there is not enough North South main roads,” she said.
Ms Hansen said it was possible the Ministerial Advisory Committee could recommend the government departments base themselves in the West.
“That’s an option that we’re considering and a number of people have suggested that to us,” she said.
“There are precedents of government departments going to non-CBD locations.”
For more information on the committee’s discussion paper visit

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