High-rise safety fears


HOBSONS Bay City Council has received 241 submissions from residents on the controversial stage two plans for a high-density, high-rise development on the former Port Phillip Woollen Mill site.
The latest plans for 178 dwellings lodged by Evolve development to Hobsons Bay City Council are for 137 apartments in a 40-metre tower of 11 storeys, behind the Britannia Hotel on the corner of Kanowa and Cecil streets, and 41 townhouses.
Save Williamstown (SW) spokeswoman Charmian Gaud said in a “proper statistical study” conducted by SW 96 per cent of residents are against the highrise towers.
“One of the things that confused us most is the developer putting in 12 townhouses in an area known as the work safe advisory area.”
Ms Gaud said most concerning was that people who moved into these townhouses would need to appoint a chief safety warden and area wardens who carry out safety drills.
“They have to do six months training. It’s just crazy.”
She said the developer has proposed 800 dwellings on the whole site that is equivalent to a density about six times more than Hong Kong and New York.
“Everyone wants this land put to good use but we’re not going to be held for ransom.”
Evolve development director Ashley Williams said the safety constraints were all considered at length in the various planning panels process over the last couple of years.
He said the final number of dwellings on the whole site won’t be fully known until the outcome of a number of planning applications and the level of “market acceptance of the product” that they want to offer.
“As an example if the market shows stronger preference of townhouses than we may change or amend the plan for future stages to cater more for those types of dwellings,” Mr Williams said.
Ms Gaud said SW do not want residential dwellings to be permitted on this site until a proper, up-to-date Risk Assessment of the Peninsula is conducted by the appropriate authorities.
“By putting housing in the work safe advisory area this is really dangerous for people living there.”
“(We want) the Melbourne Fire Brigade, Worksafe, Port of Melbourne and Mobil fully involved and signing off on the assessment.”
The planning permit will now go to a future special planning committee meeting for a decision.

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