Kitchen kings

John King, front, John Citiovic, left, and Jim Hevey, right, will cook up a storm as part of the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre men's cooking classes. 96925 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


LADIES can expect to see more of the males in the kitchen, with a class inspiring the lads to tie on their aprons and learn how to cook.
The Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre is hosting ‘Kings of the Kitchen’ cooking classes.
The class targets men over the age of 50, who are willing to spend their time participating in cooking classes, and learning different techniques towards preparing a meal.
The program was organised by Kim Reilly from the centre two years ago.
Ms Reilly has organised a food drop-off from the Community Food Link Program – winner of the 2012 Minister for Health Volunteer Award – based in South Kensington.
Ms Reilly inspects the different foods and googles recipes to suit the food and the ingredients that have been delivered.
The result is six to nine healthy and easy recipes that are created and also printed out for each participant to practice at home on friends and family.
“The beginners group has graduated and is creating great meals now for themselves, family and friends,” Ms Reilly said.
“The men left with smiles on their faces, and I think they really enjoyed the experience.”
Men will have the opportunity to learn the art of cooking soups, main courses and mad delicious desserts.
“Become a king in your own kitchen – join the class now for lots of fun, great cooking and the enjoyment of some tasty treats at the end of the session,” Ms Reilly said.
The program starts on Wednesday 17 April from 10am to 12.30pm at the Altona Senior Citizens Centre, across the road from the Louis Joel Community Centre.
There are still a few spots available for the term two program. To book call 9398 2511.

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