Hobsons Bay Council has made changes to the previous waste service charges which will see residents paying for waste collection on the basis of usage.
The council currently applies a standard waste charge of $189.96 (2012-13) to all developed properties for a weekly 120 litre garbage and 240 litre fortnightly recycling collection.
Councillor Paul Morgan said the policy review sought to provide a more “equitable and transparent service charge to the residents who actually use the collection service”.
“It makes our policy more clear and concise and benefits those who use or don’t use the service,” Cr Morgan said.
“So we’ve now taken it upon ourselves to review this policy, and as you see there are some changes to this policy, making it a little bit more equitable.”
As part of the budget considerations, the council has considered support for a direct charge in proportion to the cost of providing the municipal waste service, including direct management and overhead cost.
Charges will only be levied on properties that can have access to the service.
“With many new developments and properties in back lane ways and areas we can’t get to with our garbage trucks, we are unable to provide a waste collection service,” Cr Morgan said.
The draft Municipal Waste Service and Charge Policy includes the level of services provided to non-residential and residential properties and demonstrates transparency and ensures the cost of the waste service is commensurate with the charges that apply.
Councillor Colleen Gates said she was also aware of tenants who had difficulty managing green waste with landlords who did not take up the option of the collections service under their rates notice.
“There are other options where council can help with that collection where the landlord will not take up the service,” Cr Gates said.