Car crime crackdown


A NEW team assembled to target vehicle theft in the Western Suburbs less than three months ago has already arrested 56 people in Hobsons Bay.
The Western Bay Crime Impact Team (CIT) was established in the Hobsons Bay Police Service Area in February to combat theft of and from motor vehicles.
Detective Senior Sergeant Scott Colson said police recognised the strong impact theft from motor vehicle and theft of motor vehicle crimes had on community confidence.
He said they had responded to the community with a targeted response.
“For many people, their only experience with being a victim of crime is when their car is stolen or broken into,” Det Sen Sgt Colson said.
“This may then have a significant impact on their life, whether that’s not being able to travel to their work or transport their kids.”
Along with the 56 arrests, 18 search warrants have also been executed by the CIT.
Victoria police statistics for the 2012 calendar year show 1080 people in Hobsons Bay reported theft from a motor vehicle.
Det Sen Sgt Colson said the team was already having an impact and anecdotally these offences were now trending down.
“The CIT will ensure a consistent and committed approach to managing these crimes in the Hobsons Bay area and to have a high number of arrests already is a great result.”
“I think it’s a reflection of the good work of the team and their focus at this point in time.”
He said once an offender was arrested they were linked to support services and given drug and alcohol assistance where needed to “break the cycle” of repeat crime.
He said some of the goals of the unit were to reduce the incident of vehicle crime in the area and endeavour to resolve the incidents of vehicle crime within 30 days of being reported.
He said an integral part of the unit was the assistance from the community.
“If they provide information we can investigate … we do need support.”
CITs have also been established in Wyndham and Maribyrnong.
Det Snr Sgt Colson said people should take preventative measures to ward off opportunistic thieves like removing valuables from sight, ensuring doors were locked and windows we closed and parking off the street.
Anyone who observes suspicious behaviour or has information about offences should contact local police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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