Smoke-free outdoor dining push


RESIDENTS in the electorate of Williamstown and Altona have submitted almost 90 applications to support a campaign that wants to ban smoking from outdoor dining and drinking areas in Victoria.
Five health groups have called on the government to stop Victoria becoming a “second-hand smoke state” in their ‘Keep Fresh Air Fresh’ campaign.
The leading health agencies including Asthma Foundation Victoria, Cancer Council Victoria, Heart Foundation, Australian Medical Association and Quit have urged the government to protect the health of Victorians, particularly children, from second-hand smoke.
The campaign encourages Victorians to urge the Napthine Government to add outdoor dining and drinking areas to the list of smokefree outdoor areas to the list that it is currently consulting on.
According to the group, Victoria is the only state in Australia that has not committed to or already introduced a ban on smoking in outdoor dining and drinking areas.
“We know that 70 per cent of Victorians support such a ban, and smoke free legislation is a key factor in driving down smoking rates,” Heart Foundation chief executive officer Diana Heggie said.
The campaign has already received support from residents in Hobsons Bay with 42 people in the Williamstown electorate and 46 in the Altona electorate supporting the campaign.
Owner of the Prince Albert Hotel in Williamstown Ashley Bettenay said he did not support a ban on outdoor drinking and dining areas, fearing it could adversely impact his business.
“We’ve got an alfresco dining area that is backed up by the smoking area. If you have smoking banned form bars, I think a lot of people wouldn’t come.”
Williamstown restaurant owner Alex said he was a non-smoker himself and would support the change to ban smoking outdoors.
“It would be better having non-smoking out-doors, people can just walk off and have a smoke,” Alex said.
If you would like to have your say on Victoria’s smokefree laws, visit
Consultation ends of 17 May.

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