All hands on deck

Children from the Hobsons Bay Family Day Care will help to break a world record. 98332 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


EVERY hand will count this week as the Hobsons Bay Family Day Care attempts to set a new Guinness World Record.
The day care centre wants to break the record for the world’s largest collage of cut-out hand prints.
Hobsons Bay Family Day Care is one of thousands of providers in Family Day Care Australia’s national network that will contribute hands.
The collective goal is to eclipse the 30,006 benchmark set in 2007 by the UK Scout Association.
The family day care service is taking part in the Guinness World Record attempt during the inaugural National Family Day Care Week being held as part of Family Day Care Australia’s 25th anniversary celebrations.
National Family Day Care Week is also being celebrated this week with the theme “Every Child is a Star”.
The national community event will recognise family day care’s unique early childhood setting and how it encourages a child’s star qualities.
Hobsons Bay Family Day Care team leader Karen Carter said the family day care has been around for 25 years and it was a big part of the childcare sector.
“This is our opportunity to be a part of big picture not only family day care but child care service,” Ms Carter said.
Ms Carter, who has been in children services for 28 years and has co-ordinated the service for the last six years, said the centre plays a large role in the community.
“We’ve got 350 families using our service we have 50 educators who work from home, providing family day care.”
She said the Guinness World Record was an amazing thing to be a part of.

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