Helping hands boost recovery effort

Steve Ryan wants to spread his harrowing tale and raise awareness. 98456 Picture: CONTRIBUTED


STEVE Ryan has experienced the destructive force of natural disaster in full ferocity and helping others overcome devastation has changed his life.
Around 3am on 18 January 2013 fire swept through the bushland surrounding Seaton in Victoria and in a few hours more than 300 property owners were severely impacted.
Werribee Apex Club Life member Steve Ryan arrived on the scene a few hours after the fire swept through the district, with his 16-year-old son Paul, to help a close friend whose property was devastated.
“We knuckled down protecting assets and putting out spot fires, in what can only be described as an extremely dangerous environment – but this is what you do for a mate,” Steve said.
The Dennis family had lost 53 kilometres of fencing, 300 rolls of hay 150 head of cattle.
“In terms of destruction they lost more than anyone in the region.”
“When I came home after the first weekend it took me several days to get over what we’d experienced,” Steve said
“The whole experience I’d classify as life-changing.
“It put into perspective what you do in your work life and what’s really important and not important.”
Following the fires Steve became passionate about pulling together a work party of 20-30 people to help families rebuild in a small way.
“The overall objective was simple – work hard, play hard and work hard again,” he said.
On the weekend of 6 and 7 April, 11 weeks after the fire more than 80 people spent the weekend working at the Dennis property.
After the fire, Ryan started visiting Apex and various community groups and organisations to raise awareness about the ongoing struggles of people like the Dennis family who are still recovering from the impact of bushfires.
Steve will present his story at the Williamstown Apex on Monday 13 May at 7pm.
For further information phone Nicole on 0425 747 477 or check out Williamstown.Apex on Facebook.

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