RESIDENTS living in a Newport street have asked for some equality from a sporting club that uses a nearby reserve.
Last year a petition signed by 24 residents asked the council to alleviate ongoing parking issues cause by the rugby club at Loft Reserve on Carmen St in Newport on game days.
Lead petitioner Abdalla Hasna said the residents have no objections for sport to be played at the reserve but that it had “outgrown its original intent”.
“What we are asking for is to convey the message that the residents are not anti-sport or anti-club we just want common courtesy shown,” Mr Hasna said.
“That’s all I ask for.”
The reserve is home to the Altona Roosters Rugby League Club and West Newport Cricket Club.
Mr Hasna said residents wanted the council to deal with the ongoing issues including illegal parking, litter and noise generated on training nights and game days.
He said some progress had been made with council-providing “no parking signs” along one side of Carmen St to alleviate some of the parking problems.
But said residents are still “locked in their houses” on game days due to hundreds of cars parked in their narrow streets, on nature strips and in some cases over residents driveways.
“We have been exposed to unwanted discomfort, the noise, the foul language … also more importantly having to be locked in your own home.”
Rugby club president Brandon Taunoa said at the end of the day the club was there for the kids.
Mr Taunoa agreed there was a problem with the parking which the temporary “no-parking” signs should help to alleviate.
He said he “totally disagreed” with the claims of rubbish around and on the park side of Carmen St.
“We go around and pick up all the rubbish, we supply our own bins.”
Mr Taunoa said the club, which has been at the reserve for the past 10 to 12 years, supplied 14 wheelie bins.
“At the end of the day we try to do our best and abide by what council asked us to do.”
Mr Hasna said the council now recognised the issues and they are some way ahead to resolving them.
“We have seen some attempt to make things better. We do believe in the long term they do need a sustainable plan to look after the reserve and those that occupy it.”
“We want to coincide with the football club but we need them to look after us as well.”
Hobsons Bay City Council works and assets director Phillip McDonald said there had been ongoing correspondence with the club in respect to traffic and litter at the reserve.
As well as the temporary no-parking signs he said a 20-vehicle car park was created along the reserve side of Carmen St for use on listed match days.
He said the council would continue to work with the club and residents to address any concerns caused by club activity.