Adam braves the big chill

Adam started his 21 challenge last week and his plunge in the Port Phillip Bay. 99664 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


ON THE first day of winter Adam Linehan swam in the Port Phillip Bay – and that’s what he will do every day for the next three weeks.
Some may think the idea is crazy, but Adam is ready for the challenge and has taken it up as part of The 21 Challenge which runs from 1-21 June.
The challenge encouraged people to do something they like, don’t like or have never done before for 21 days to raise money for young homeless people.
The 31-year-old Williamstown resident heard about the challenge through a friend and was inspired to take it up himself.
“Its winter and it’s not the most appealing thing, it will be a bit of challenge to motivate myself to jump in water every day,” Adam said.
Unlike other similar challenges, participants aren’t directed what to do, instead they decide on a personal challenge that tickles their fancy.
Adam has chosen to swim in the Port Phillip Bay every day for three weeks in rain, hail, gale or shine for homeless youth charity Open Family Australia.
He said he choose the task so people will see his determination and hopefully be more inclined to give for the cause.
“Hopefully people see I’m doing something fairly serious and are they will be more inclined to make a donation.”
Adam will not only get his head wet everyday but plans to stay in the water for five to 10 minutes.
“I’ll try and warm up as much as I can before I jump in and make sure I have a nice warm towel when I get out.”
He said he wants to raise awareness for the work that Open Family does, and raise some money for the organisation.
“And a hot shower after each swim,” he added.
To register for the event or donate to Adam’s challenge visit and type his surname in the search bar.

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