Ray casts a helpful line

Volunteer Ray Whitzell has combined his love of fishing with his passion to help others. 99022 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


RAY Whitzell is a man of few words but ask him about being a volunteer and he will tell it to you straight.
“Get off your butt and do something,” he said.
“If people say they are bored at home there are that many places and organisations that want volunteers.”
The 72-year-old has worked with volunteer organisation Gateway in Spotswood for more than 10 years, and has enjoyed every minute of it.
Ray, a fitter and welder by trade, found himself with some spare time after stopping work after 45 years.
His introduction to volunteering was ignited through his passion for fishing.
Ray responded to an advertisement for a driver on the fishing program and was quick to get on board and transform his own life, for the better.
“I was accepted and have been here ever since,” he said-
The fishing enthusiast is part of a team that works to support older, frail people and people with disabilities in a fun outdoor fishing environment.
“I volunteer with Gateway because I really enjoy helping others. I enjoy both the clients and fellow volunteers company.”
“I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like it.”
Ray is a well-known character on the fishing program and has also donated his time to the meals-on-wheels program for more than eight years.
The proud grandfather of eight said volunteering was a two-way street.
“You make yourself happy and you make other people happy,” he said.
Gateway is on the lookout for more fishing enthusiasts like Ray to come on board and join the volunteer program.
For more information call Gateway on 9399 3511.

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