A world of his own

Fun can always be had when costumes are involved. Store manager Agie, left, John and wife Robyn inside their costume store. 102400 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

By Nicole Valicek

A LOVE of all things vintage and antique sparked the life into one costume shop that over the years has expanded into a family-run business.
John Lah took over Willys Bazaar in Williamstown in 1991 at the height of antique popularity when people were scouring antique shops around Melbourne for collectables, antique and rustic furniture.
“I have bought and sold just about everything,” said John.
“22-years later and it still feels like a hobby.”
 A few years ago he and his wife Robyn, who have lived in Williamstown for 30 years started stocking a small selection of vintage clothing and costumes for hire.
From there Bam Bam Vintage and Costume Hire was born.
The business gets requests Australia wide especially for their 70s and 80 dresses and still deals in antiques and collectables but has moved that side of the business to Geelong.
Last year the Lah’s took over a 2000 square metre building and named it ‘Geelong Vintage Market’ (GMV).
“It houses 60 individual dealers brining their individual styles to GMV.”
Over the years the business has become a family affair.
Their eldest son, Dan who had a record shop in Yarraville, now sells through GVM while he completes a PhD and his wife Kim handles GMV’s social media and promotions.
Sev, the couple’s second son and his wife Bek started an onsite café at GMV, and their third son Nick is a barista at the café.
While their daughter Samantha is working close by at the Geelong Hospital as a nurse.
“It’s great. I get to see my kids regularly, and it makes me happy seeing them do well and enjoy the same business I have for over 20 years,” John said.
“Having a large family – four children, and their spouses – each with their own unique talents and experience provides the business with a great pool of talent.”

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