Starved of comforts

Ashleigh, left Nala and Hannah are excited to go without for 40 hours for a great cause. 104059 Picture: xxxxxxxxxxxx


STUDENTS from Williamstown High School will sacrifice the things many of us take for granted for a grand cause.
School Captain Hannah Smith and Senior School Council president Mala Taukilo are among hundreds of students from the schools senior and junior campus, that will give up food, furniture, technology even the use of limbs in support of World Vision’s 40 Hour Famine.
Hanna gave up furniture and Mala the use of her left arm, food and furniture from late last Thursday to Saturday.
This year’s 40 Hour Famine focuses on Malawi in southern Africa where almost 2 million people are starving because of prolonged drought.
Mala said she loved participating in the 40 hour famine and decided to give up food because it is something many people take for granted.
“We eat freely when we’re happy sad hungry they (kids in Malawi) don’t get food like that.”
“I think its amazing way to make some sort of change in the world and help kids out in Malawi.”
Pasco campus student leadership co-ordinator Leanne Petroff who is also giving up caffeine and her mobile phone said participating taught each student an important life lesson.
“It’s important for all of us, particularly students, to think about the fact we’re all part of a global community and it’s important to think about not just ourselves.”
“Its inspiring to work with kids who are passionate about wanting to contribute to something bigger than themselves, and be a part of something that the whole world is participating in.”
Year 12 student Hannah said it would be a challenge to give up furniture but went “back to basics” including sleeping on the floor.
“It’s a great opportunity not only to bond with people in the school but to think how many people are doing it and what we’re part of as a wider bigger thing.”
The school hoped to raise $8000 this year.

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