Laneways solution


HOBSONS Bay City Council will provide $100,000 in its 21013-14 budget to repair and maintain 25 kilometres of laneways in the municipality.
Hobsons Bay City Council has amended its Right of Way – Unmade Laneways policy to include minor repairs and maintenance.
The changes will provide for weed spraying, rubbish removal and minor repairs and maintenance to the surface of unmade laneways.
The council has provided $100,000 in the 2013-14 budget to undertake minor works and maintenance on the municipality’s laneways.
Cr Peter Morgan said many parts of the municipality have significant tracts of laneways behind them, beside them and around them.
“It’s great we are having a look at this and making some improvement to the policy where possible so we can encourage a bit more maintenance and upkeep to make sure these laneways around the place are kept in a safe and useable manner and upgrade them and maintain them where possible.”
Cr Sandra Wilson said the majority of unmade laneways would be a historical factor from the development of Williamtown community.
“These unmade laneways are in some case open to the public but largely used by private land holders but they do require some level of maintenance,” she said.
“In the past it’s been weed spraying and rubbish removal – this policy will include surface to unmade laneways.”
According to the report, the repairs and maintenance to unmade laneways has been undertaken as a result of many enquiries and request made by residents abutting unmade laneways.

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