Great night in

Michelle Meager will host a mini market as part of her Girls' Night In event this October. She will be selling her children's clothing on the night. 107146 Picture: NICOLE VALICEK


SPOTSWOOD resident Michelle Meager, like many people, has been personally touched by breast cancer.
This October Michelle will host a Girls’ Night In event to get the ladies together for a night of fun and to raise breast cancer awareness and some money for cancer research.
It will be the third year the 38-year-old will host an event, following the death of her aunty Pauline Doherty to breast cancer five years ago.
“I saw posters for Girls’ Night In and thought that would be a good thing to do get the girls together.”
This year the resident will hold a mini-market, with the ladies encouraged to make and bring something to sell.
Michelle, who started sewing a few years ago, will be selling her own range of children’s clothing on the night.
“It gives us a chance to get our stuff out there and raise money at the same time.”
Michelle said it was a powerful fund-raiser for the Cancer Council to support women facing cancer, and to create breast awareness.
A few years ago she faced her own scare when she found a lump on her breast.
Although it turned out to be nothing, Michelle gets regular breast checks every year.
“Having this month gives people a focus to think about these things and check their breasts.”
“I’ve got five sisters and two daughters. You want to look after the women in your life.”
Cancer Council is running the Girls’ Night In fund-raiser for the month of October to encourage women to host a night in with their friends and donate the money they would usually spend by going out to cancer research.

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