A TRUCK management report about a busy road in Altona North presented to the Hobsons Bay City Council last week has noted a reduction in truck traffic, following the completion of a new road.
The council resolved to further investigate ways to reduce truck traffic in Chambers Rd, Altona North after the report found the opening of Cabot Drive saw a 25 per cent overall decrease in truck traffic.
The report highlighted the effectiveness of the new road between Millers Rd and Chambers Rd in diverting non-local trucks from Chambers Rd.
Truck drivers have been encouraged to use Cabot Drive since the road opened in early 2013.
According to some of the report findings between August 2012 and June 2013 on an average weekday the volume of semi-trailers decreased by 30 per cent, a difference of 253 vehicles and medium-large rigid trucks dropped by 17 per cent, a difference of 57 vehicles.
It is the first time since 2004 that the volume of trucks including semi-rigid, medium-large rigid, semi-trailers and B-Doubles have decreased by 15 per cent overall in the Chambers Rd local area.
The council will now determine whether the remaining truck traffic in Chambers Rd is for Chambers Rd businesses or through traffic.
If it is the latter, physical barriers may be installed to further reduce truck numbers.
The council will advise affected residents of actions to date, as well as future options, and will seek support from VicRoads in diverting non-local trucks from Chambers Rd.
Councillor Sandra Wilson said the issue had been ongoing for a long time and although it was good to see a reduction, residents might not agree.
“While some level of reduction is going in the right direction I think residents on Chambers Rd would say it’s not reduction enough,” Cr Wilson said
“It’s still an issue that needs to be seriously managed, but we’re on the right track.”
A report regarding truck management on Chambers Rd was presented to the council at its ordinary meeting on 13 December 2011.
Traffic volumes in the Chambers Rd local area have been monitored since July 2004 to gauge the impacts on the local road network associated with the opening of the Barnes Rd bridge in November 2004.