Bloomin’ splendid

Helen Matthews with a vanda orchid.

THE Port Macquarie Orchid and Bromeliad Society will be staging an autumn show at Port Panthers from 9 to 11 May.
The opening hours will be from 9am to 5pm Friday 9 May, 9am to 5pm Saturday 10 May, and 9am to 3pm Sunday 11 May.
Admission will cost $2 for all adults and children over 12 years of age. Children under 12 are free. There will also be a raffle with prizes being orchids and bromeliads supplied by the commercial exhibitors plus a gardening pack and orchid supplied by Bunnings.
A spokesperson for the club said exhibitors in the show were typically from the Port Macquarie region and surrounding towns.
“We expect to see exhibits from as far north as the Nambucca region and as far south as Foster,” the spokesperson said.
“There will be 12 classes of orchids resulting in over 90 different types of orchid plants being on display. In addition to this, there will be nine types of bromeliads exhibited and a special section for ferns or foliage plants.
“In addition to the show, the Hastings Bonsai Group will also have a display of their plants at the show, and the society and three commercial orchid suppliers and one commercial bromeliad supplier will be selling plants.
“Members of the society will be on hand throughout the show to answer any queries in relation to the care, cultivation and propagation of both orchids and bromeliads.”
The club meets regularly on the fourth Monday of the month, at 7.30pm, at Pier One, Panthers.
It has has about 45 members of varying ages.
Inquiries to president John Matthews on 6582 0186.

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