Plans for Thrumster

COMMENT is being sought on three plans expected to guide the development of Thrumster, west of Port Macquarie, over the next 20 years.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has placed three draft neighbourhood plans on exhibition for public comment, including the Draft Partridge Creek Residential Neighbourhood Development Control Plan (DCP), the Draft Partridge Creek Industrial Neighbourhood DCP and the Draft West Lindfield Neighbourhood DCP.
All three plans are being proposed as an addition to the Area 13 Thrumster Development Control Plan, which was adopted by reference in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Development Control Plan 2011.
They were developed in consultation with landowners in the Thrumster Urban Release Area (Area 13) and provide for the co-ordinated development of the three neighbourhoods over the next 20 years.
Thrumster is being designed as a self-sustaining town satisfying the living, working, social and recreational needs of 10,000 people, taking some of the population growth pressures off Port Macquarie.
Council is a significant landowner in the Thrumster area, which is why the three draft DCPs were prepared independently of council and subject to an independent peer review to ensure probity.
The three draft plans, probity report and council’s statement of interest are currently on public exhibition and will remain open for public comment until 4 October.
They are available for viewing at council’s Port Macquarie and Wauchope offices between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, and online at

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