Beauty and the geeks

Yali Klemm and Manelle Al-Hakkani as Snow White and Cinderella. 72534 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTYali Klemm and Manelle Al-Hakkani as Snow White and Cinderella. 72534 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

By Vanessa Chircop
NEWPORT Gardens Primary School is putting on a show – but not just any show.
Published playwright, teacher and mother Janet Provan has written a show especially for the students of the school, drawing on her knowledge of the students and her experiences as a high school teacher.
“A Geek Through Time” is the third show Janet has written and tells the story of a young geeky girl named Sara who finds herself back in 1698 and in the company of a lot a fairytale characters.
“Being a secondary school teacher I’m very aware of the geeks versus the beautiful people,” she said.
Janet said four of the beautiful girls who Sara wishes she could be end up being Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Red Riding Hood in 1698.
“There are references to the fairytales but that’s about as far as it goes,” she said.
“A Geek Through Time” is also a musical and Janet not only wrote the script but with the help of her husband, she also wrote and composed the music score.
“Writing the music and fitting in lyrics – that’s probably the hardest part and in a lot of ways probably the most enjoyable because it’s challenging,” she said.
Newport Gardens Primary School will be performing “A Geek Through Time” this Thursday and Friday evenings at Altona City Theatre and Janet said the kids were excited to finally be bringing the show to an audience.
“They’re a really good little cast,” she said.
“We’ve got some incredibly talented kids.
“I think people are going to be fairly surprised.”

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