VANESSA Skellern never thought science could be so fun, however the Albion resident recently learnt that there’s more to science than test tubes and bunsen burners.
The Year 12 student recently competed in the Science Drama Awards with her fellow peers from St Aloysius College and the group came second.
The group produced a play titled Marvellous Medicine which looked at the discovery of penicillin and how it helped modern medicine improve.
“I never thought that science and drama went together, but it was so interesting learning about it,” the 17-year-old said.
“We had to put a lot of work into it. We were rehearsing three days a week.
“I was really proud of the end result and we were so surprised to come second out of so many schools.”
Vanessa, who will sit her English exam this Thursday, said it was important students enjoyed extra-curricular activities, particularly during Year 12 which was often an intense and stressful year.
She hopes to study journalism next year, but said drama was something she had always been interested in.