Wildlife win

ELECTRICITY company Powercor has confirmed it will fund the installation of bird diverters at Laverton Creek in Altona Meadows.
As reported by Star last week, at least two swans a week are being found dead or injured after flying into power lines on Queen St.
Wildlife rescuer Mandy Hall said she was horrified by the number of swans and other water birds she has found dead at the creek and contacted the company in August last year.
To her horror, Powercor addressed a quote of $9095 to her for works to fix the problem.
Despite this, a spokesperson for Powercor told Star the company had only recently been alerted to the problem and has been considering funding the project with the quote being sent to Ms Hall in error.
“We continue to take this issue seriously,” the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson said the bird diverters are scheduled to be installed next week.
Ms Hall said she was extremely relieved to learn the diverters will be installed.
“I’m just hoping the deflectors will be installed on the right lines and we see zero birds hitting them from now on,” she said.
“This will mean we won’t get called out there as often and can focus on rescuing elsewhere.”
BADGER Wildlife rescue group are a not-for-profit organisation, who receive no government funding and is run solely by volunteers.
If you find wildlife injured or sick or wish to make a donation to the group call 1300 223 427.

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