JASMYN Drewry is part of a women’s gridiron team that has set the benchmark for the sport in Australia.
The Victoria’s Western Foxes Gridiron Team, which Ms Drewry is a part of, made history recently when they played the Female Gridiron’s League of Queensland’s All-Stars.
“It was really exciting for all of us involved. We are embarking on some untouched territory as far as this sport in this state goes, and it’s pretty exciting to be laying the groundwork,” Ms Drewry said.
The Seaholme resident admits she was a “sporty type”, playing AFL football in high school and most recently involved in roller derby, but was surprised to discover gridiron.
“It was my partner who decided to take it up and I sort of laughed at the idea until I went and saw a scrimmage match – after I saw the first match I fell in love with it,” Ms Drewry said.
Ms Drewry plays two positions in the team, a wide-receiver on offense when the team is trying to score and a corner back in defensive.
She said the basic gist of the game, which follows the American NFL Gridiron rules (but slightly modified for females), is a full contact sport with strategies to defeat the other team.
The girls play in full gridiron uniforms, with helmets, lower padding, and special shoulder pads that are designed to properly protect women’s bodies from the bone-crunching collision.
“It’s like a full contact version of a chess game.”
Ms Drewry said the full contact sport appealed to her athletic background, but described it as a universal team sport that anyone could play.
“The beauty of the sport is there are roles for any kind of person, any build and any level of fitness.”
“All of us come from different backgrounds – some have never played before. Some of us, myself included had no idea about the rules.”
“There is a place for anyone who is interested in taking on this new and exciting sport.”
It has been less than a year since the Western Foxes were established as the first women’s team in the league’s 15-year history.
The Foxes are part of the Western Crusaders Gridiron Club based in Footscray.
For more information visit facebook.com/WesternFoxes