Brigade to set

By Michael Newhouse
FIREFIGHTERS from the Caroline Springs fire brigade are getting ready to set the autumn night sky on fire at this week’s Eastside Live festival when the brigade marches in the festival’s spectacular torchlight parade.
Fourteen fire brigades from across Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs will come together this Saturday, 31 March, and compete in what will be a test of discipline and skill for the region’s firefighting fraternity.
The Caroline Springs brigade will have the home ground advantage, as it tries to out-march brigades from Craigieburn, Melton, Sunbury, Diamond Creek, Hoppers Crossing and Werribee, among others.
Almost all the firefighters will be carrying a traditional torchlight as they make the 900-metre march into Caroline Springs Brookside Recreation Reserve.
All brigades will come together to form a great ball of fire when they finally make it on to the ground at about 8.20pm.
Marchers are judged on everything from the overall style of marching to correct uniform, with judges even giving points for correct spacing between marchers.
Adam Townsend, first lieutenant in the Caroline Springs brigade, said members had been preparing for their homecoming march for a while now.
“We’ve got one of our people who’s going to be the MC for the night, so we’ll use him to gather everyone around to see us come in,” Mr Townsend said.
“When we stop we’re basically formed up in a giant square, so it will be one giant ball of flames, just a continuous row of flames,” he said.
Events for the inaugural Eastside Live festival will run across two venues from 8.30am to 10pm on Saturday 31 March, with pets and owners encouraged to get down to Spring Lake, on Caroline Springs Blvd, from 8.30am to 10.30am for a pet breakfast and walk.
From 3pm, Brookside Recreation Reserve will host an action-packed afternoon and evening of entertainment featuring comedian Cameron Marshall and music from Bomba and Josh Owen.
Almost all the events and entertainment will be free for the public, as the Shire of Melton celebrates the area’s eastern growth corridor in the Caroline Springs area.

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