Lives at risk

FIREFIGHTERS say delays created by the increased number of trains using the Regional Rail Link (RRL) could cost lives.
Reports from the RRL Authority have predicted there will be six trains per hour off-peak and 17 on-peak.
The Anderson Rd level crossing will become a grade separation, but the RRL Authority has only listed level crossings at Fitzgerald Rd in Ardeer and Mt Derrimut Rd and Robinsons Rd in Deer Park as getting “improvement works”.
United Firefighters Union National Secretary Peter Marshall said if those roads did not receive a grade separation, boom gates could be down for long periods of time, preventing emergency services access and causing traffic to build up.
“We’re actually concerned about any delay, any delay that is caused by the Regional Rail,” Mr Marshall said.
“For example, MFB have a standard of 7.7 mins, and that is scientifically based from time on call to time on scene.
“If a truck gets there in that period they’re able to confine the fire within that period.
“After seven minutes… any chance of performing a rescue is diminished and damage is greater.”
He said Brimbank had a high number of house fires last year and firefighters were concerned any delay could cost a life, put firefighters at unnecessary risk and increase the likelihood of fire damage to buildings.
Mr Marshall was unaware of any consultation between the RRL and emergency services.
“If there is a delay, that delay will jeopardise the safety of the community,” he said.
Mr Marshall was one of the speakers who addressed a room of 80 residents at a community meeting last week.
Geraldine Brooks, who helped organise the meeting, said residents were going to form an action group against the RRL works in Brimbank, demanding that the State Government suspend the project until a full environment effects statement is completed.
She said residents were concerned about possible delays to emergency services, but were also worried about the impact of increased diesel fumes, which have been proven to be carcinogenic.
Noise levels also remain a concern, with reports estimating noise levels of 60 decibels and more will be heard between Sunshine and Deer Park as a result of the RRL.
“It’s extremely frustrating, clearly,” Ms Brooks.
“But there was a very high level of unity in the community.”
For more information on the community action group contact Geraldine on 0423 158 422 or Larissa on 0429 119 559.

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